Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Forgetfulness and Disney

Ugh, ugh, ugh.

I was sitting on the couch wondering why I had the weird feeling that I had something I was supposed to be doing. And then I realized I haven't blogged in far too long.

Why? Why must I forget. And why must I forget awesome blog topics as soon as my mind turns to something else. I'm really good at focusing on what's in front of me. But that also means that EVERYTHING ELSE gets thrown outside the window.

Brain!! Why can't you work like a responsible organized person's might

Oh, I did have this thought after seeing Frozen for the fourth time. Disney promotes procrastination. Seriously! How many famous story lines end in someone waiting until the last minute (sometimes they're even too late) before someone comes back to life, or they realize who their one true love is, or the funny side character finally gets their own storyline.

Thanks a lot, Disney. For making me procrastinate? What? This post took a weird turn.

Good night.

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