Friday, January 10, 2014

I Know How to Spell, Jami! PROMISE.

So, I've had some alcohol. I'm not sure if I should write that. But I want to be honest here. Only a few people have links to this and I know I can be honest with them.

Hang on, Jami's talking.

Alcohol certainly makes people open up about what's going on. And it's great when you can listen and be there for them.

I'm wearing a paisley shirt. Hannah and Jami picked it out. I would normally never wear it, but why not push yourself and challenge yourself. Life is so boring if you don't. Okay, not boring, but certainly plain. It's so hard to be sensitive and like, politically correct right now. My brain can't handle it. So I'm going to go all out.

People who don't challenge themselves are not living a full life. Like, do you think God created you to only talk to the same ten people and NEVER feel uncomfortable? NO. That's why I always like forcing other people to talk in small groups. If I'm in a small group you can bet I'm going to ask the quietest person their thoughts on the question. Because God wants us to be uncomfortable. DID YOU READ THAT? God WANTS us to be uncomfortable. I truly, one hundred percent believe that. If we're not uncomfortable then we will NEVER, I repeat, NEVER grow. It won't happen.

So you can bet that when I was a camp counselor I would force my campers to mingle with other people in the cabin. Because I WANTED them to feel uncomfortable. There is so much more to life then feeling cozy and warm and safe. When you feel unsafe, on the verge of something, that's when you can really learn about life.

I'm going to stop now. I hope you appreciate my slightly intoxicated thoughts at 1:00 in the morning. Perfect time to blog, am I right, guys? Beth? Katie? Are we on the same page?


  1. I find this incredibly entertaining! But Abby, you should work on a way to make the loudest person in a small group feel uncomfortable as well. ;)

  2. Abs, where you referring to me?! I feel so special! I only just read this... because I'm on team and life is hard. But not really, but I do love reading your slightly intoxicated thoughts.
