Saturday, February 1, 2014


Today marks the day wherein my housechums and I eat only seven foods for a month. It's gonna get weird.

Here's the list for anyone playing at home:
1. Chicken
2. Eggs
3. Avocados
4. Spinach
5. Whole wheat bread
6. Sweet potatoes
7. Apples

Here's the thing. I don't really like avocados, sweet potatoes, or spinach all that much. Especially the sweet potatoes. Gross. So this month is not only a fast form flavor and my small way of experiencing the lack of choice that about 50% of the world lives with when they only have rice and beans to live off of, but also a challenge to see if I can make myself like a food.

For breakfast I made scrambled eggs for me and Jami (with water a la Poppa Sowers' teaching) and then I also ate some super gross avocados. I'm pretty impressed with the fact that I made eggs. Usually I only make things with the microwave so the fact that I used a pan and spatula to make my breakfast boosted my self-esteem. YAY FOR ACHIEVEMENTS.

I think this month is going to have a lot of achievements considering I'm probably going to have to learn how to make a lot of stuff for myself. Like today we're going to make bread. YAY! BREAD! I'll keep you updated on how that goes.

EDIT: As I was writing this I was kind of hungry and I just wanted some of the cookies that my mom gave me a couple of days ago. They're covered in chocolate. And I want one. This month is going to be hard. I'm gonna go throw the cookies away now.
We're waiting for the bread to be bread. I can't wait!
WE MADE BREAD. And it's really good! I just ate a piece plain, that's how delicious it was!

TUNE IN TOMORROW for my attempt at a tutorial.

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