Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Just Keep the Cabin Safe!

I think my eyes might be dying. I've been staring at screens for too long today. Six hours in a studio with very little to do and choosing to vlog every day for January means that I have had too much screen time.

Although I did discover my personal talent of sitting for long periods of time. Solid skill. I also re-discovered how much I love reading. This year, as always, I'm going to try to read 50 books. If you complete such a task in a year it means you're a bibliophile. And every year I try and fail. But this year could be different. If I'm really dedicated, it'll happen. And something that might help me build my dedication is the theory called:

Don't Break the Chain

See what I did there? Segue! Anyway, it's this concept that if you have a physical calendar and you cross off days that you completed a task or didn't do a bad habit you eventually develop a string of crossed off days. Also known as a CHAIN. Didn't see that twist coming, huh?? So you have the chain of days* and as the chain gets longer you don't want to break it more and more. I sure hope it works. I printed some calendars at work because I hate the patriarchy or something. So we'll see if it works. It's slightly overwhelming thinking about every day of the year and having them all crossed off in a row. That's quite intimidating. Especially for a girl who can't even commit to opening up her advent calendar every day when the surprise is always CHOCOLATE.

*Footnote: The autocorrect on my device kept correcting chain to cabin. Obviously a cabin of days would motivate anyone. Don't break the cabin, guys!

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