Saturday, January 11, 2014


I finally made a house tour video. I know. Like you guys care. But I DO. I did it! It's been a long time coming and I'm happy I finally made good.

Anyway, I realized I'm coming to the part of any month-long journey where I start to resent everything that I'm having to do. "UGH, AGAIN?? I have to make another video? Why? Why is it EVERY DAY?" I think Jami had to deal with an annoyed Abby petulantly asking, "Why am I doing this?"

But I know why I keep doing it. Because it's always nice to know that you can push yourself. I'm not sure if you read my blog from yesterday, but I appreciate challenging myself. And while I don't know if I necessarily challenge myself to be healthier, or more dedicated to studying the Bible. It's always good to know that I can at least challenge myself creatively.

Although, let's be real a lot of my vlog/blog combinations haven't been too hot. But at least I'm putting in some effort to get it done. In a lot of my life I tend to lack motivation, but not this. For pretty much no reason at all. Somehow THIS is what I care about. Why? How? No idea, but I do care.

I'm almost done with 7. And our house is getting a little bit amped about February. I also convinced my friend Esther from church to do it with us. Well, she's finished reading her own copy of the book (which she bought, and devoured before I even got halfway through my copy) so she was already on the inspired side of things. She's also the kind of girl who decided to take a picture every day for a year as a way of documenting life. And even did it while she was in UGANDA. She would write down her picture of the day so that when she came back home she could upload everything in order. It's always good motivation when you have other people in your life that are motivated.

Maybe it brings out the competitive side of me? But either way it certainly pushes me.

HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? Yet again I find myself blogging at midnight thirty. And it's not like I didn't have time at all today. Not that waiting until bedtime is a bad thing. But it certainly makes it harder to form coherent thoughts.

And with that I'll bid you goodnight.

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