Monday, January 13, 2014

Do To Do (like, do da do)

I broke the chain! Not only did I break it, but I let it just sit all day. I knew, as soon as I woke up, but I just let it lay there. All day. Just all intertwined bits of metal. Woah, what if chains are just long strips of metal twisted together? Cords, yes. But chains?

Clearly trying to avoid the stark realization that even though I'm about halfway through this month I may still break the chain. Whyyyy?

So, in order to promote good chain re-growth. I'm going to write up a to-do list and check things off tomorrow!

In no particular order:
- Fill out forms from the bank
- Stop at local community college to see about taking one class. (considering taking my college diploma and seeing if they would accept that instead of having to deal with getting transcripts and Official records)
- ORGANIZE my room. There's a difference between organizing and cleaning
- Clean my room
- Put away clean laundry that's been sitting in my dirty laundry bin for four days
- Find four items of clothing to donate as I just purchased four. (new life goal: something new comes in, something old must go out)
- Vlog
- See Frozen with friends
- Blog

Tune in tomorrow when I cross of none-multiple items off the list!

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