Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Forgetfulness and Disney

Ugh, ugh, ugh.

I was sitting on the couch wondering why I had the weird feeling that I had something I was supposed to be doing. And then I realized I haven't blogged in far too long.

Why? Why must I forget. And why must I forget awesome blog topics as soon as my mind turns to something else. I'm really good at focusing on what's in front of me. But that also means that EVERYTHING ELSE gets thrown outside the window.

Brain!! Why can't you work like a responsible organized person's might

Oh, I did have this thought after seeing Frozen for the fourth time. Disney promotes procrastination. Seriously! How many famous story lines end in someone waiting until the last minute (sometimes they're even too late) before someone comes back to life, or they realize who their one true love is, or the funny side character finally gets their own storyline.

Thanks a lot, Disney. For making me procrastinate? What? This post took a weird turn.

Good night.

Friday, January 24, 2014


Okay, okay, okay! I know I've been really bad at keeping this updated. I GET IT. But I'm really trying to make some solid vlogs. That's where my focus is right now. As clearly evidenced by my minor freak out to Taylor that I wasn't able to use her computer to upload videos. So I am now trying to upload a ten second video to YouTube using my phone and the sketchy phone signal I get in the middle of the woods where Taylor lives. To say that this month has been a labor of love would be... kinda accurate.

Next month, guys. I'll be better. Well, I'll try to be. I realize this relationship could be defined as unhealthy. As I constantly make promises to change my behavior and consistently fail to change my behavior. WOOPS. To err is... human... Isn't that kind of justification for any failure?

Let's not get too deep here.

Well, now I'm watching Taylor play a video game called Catherine. It's pretty bizarre. People are sheep and this guy has to solve puzzles in his dreams in order to stay alive in real life. And he has two different futures that you can decide on. He either stays with his girlfriend Catherine, or pursues some random girl that's named Katherine, but with a K. THE INTRIGUE. Video games can be weird.

I'm more of a Candy Crush Saga type video game. Like arcade-y puzzle-y ones? I don't know. I used to spend hours playing Bejeweled Blitz and listening to episodes of Hamish and Andy.

It's so hard to start a new blog. I had one for FIVE YEARS. That's a lot of years. And now I have to start anew and I'm not sure what to bring over and what to start over. Like on that blog I used to call you guys "readers." Like, "Hello, readers. Hope you're doing well." That kind of thing. But now I just don't know what to do.

Blog etiquette. Does such a thing exist?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I forgot to blog. Again. Sorry, but my priority is blogging this month

Jami and I are watching Spy. This cute little British show on Hulu about a hilarious, bumbling regular Joe right off the clean English streets who accidentally becomes a spy. Here's some sample dialogue between Tim and his boss/teacher who is slightly more than obsessed with him.

"I feel your pain, Tim."
"You do?"
"Sure! Chlamydia can be a nightmare."

This show is hilarious. It's definitely dry humor. It also features a son who is super snobby and through which the show plays out different standard tropes like a secret gambling ring.

I had a real topic ready, but it's gone out of my head. Good night!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

"He's the boy that I like!" "Well, I looked for a boy that you hated, but it was such short notice."

I went to a friend's birthday dinner (Kevin, for those of you in the know) and it was so much fun! I forgot how much I love meeting new people in social settings. I met this one girl, Melissa and we had quite a few mutual friends. I invited her to the Bible study I attend with Jami. I hope she comes. I like connecting other people with other people. I also got a preliminary interview...? I don't know. I'm meeting with a friend of Kevin's tomorrow so I'll let you know how that goes.

Goodness, I love Gilmore Girls. That's a solid TV show I can always fall back on. Except anything after season four. Ugh, I don't like that stuff. To be fair I haven't seen much of it, but I still don't like it.

Also, this Friday I'm going to be spending time with Taylor which means Star Trek! It's getting harder and harder to find time to hang out, which means I'm getting increasingly more concerned we won't finish season one before she leaves for TWO YEARS.

And now Gilmore Girls is distracting me from all of the work that I have to do. Work meaning writing this blog and uploading a video to YouTube. This is my life.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Unnecessary Rant

Ugh, ugh, ugh. I really think I need a new laptop. Seriously, how is my laptop so slow that quitting an application becomes an insurmountable task. My laptop has to be the biggest drama queen ever. "Sorry, what's what? You want to OPEN A NEW TAB? Oh, sure. Why don't you go ahead and break me in half? Guess what? I'm going to freeze up so hard that you won't be able to even use another application. Yeah, that's right. You think you can just switch to something else while my outrage passes? I SHALL BRING MY ENTIRE SYSTEM TO ITS KNEES JUST TO PISS YOU OFF. Have fun restarting everything! See you on the flip flop!"

And here ends my late night attempts and jokesterhood. Night!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


People change. But it's hard to admit because I think our society has trained us that if you're not nostalgic and looking back on the "good ole days" you're not doing things right.

Oh, goodness. Haha, look at me trying to be deep.

"We may have fallen into the intellectual deep end here. And if you try to grab on to me, we'll both drown." Tracy Morgan, 30 Rock

My class was really good. My professor is the type that when I went to shake his hand to introduce myself (I missed the first day of class) he stood back and said, "I'm just gonna wave." So, that'll be fun. He has already gone on two different tangents in my first class with him! But he is genuinely nice and was concerned about my log-in not working on the computers.

I think I'm going to maybe like the class, and I think I might LEARN something! What? Yeah, and I'll like learning it too! I just hope we actually start editing soon. As much as I love watching videos of other people doing what I enjoy...

Okay, goodnight people. Jami's starting to sing and meow. Time for me to make my exit.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I'm old.

It's late and I have class in the morning. It's been about three years since I've been able to say that. How weird is that? I've been out of school for almost three years now. I feel so far removed from the college lifestyle. When I went to the campus to register (or, as it turned out, NOT register) for my class I was like, COLLEGE WAS SO LONG AGO. So many of these kids don't know what the real world is like! It's bizarre. Thinking about how many people would have been in high school last year. I mean, I graduated high school... ALMOST SIX YEARS AGO???? I'm that old? WHAT? I don't... I can't... HOW?

All that to say that I have class at 7:45 in the morning and I already look like a mess so it's probably best to avoid looking exhausted AND unshowered. One I'm okay with. Both... not so much.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

To Done List (Part 1)

- Fill out forms from the bank
- Stop at local community college to see about taking one class. (considering taking my college diploma and seeing if they would accept that instead of having to deal with getting transcripts and Official records)
- ORGANIZE my room. There's a difference between organizing and cleaning
- Clean my room
- Put away clean laundry that's been sitting in my dirty laundry bin for four days
- Find four items of clothing to donate as I just purchased four. (new life goal: something new comes in, something old must go out)
- Vlog
- See Frozen with friends
- Blog

Here's my updated to do list:
√ Stop at local community college to try and register, but end up staying for two hours to find out I can't until I attend the class
- Vlog
√ Put away laundry only to realize that I should probably do another load
√ Blog
√ Shovel driveway with Bobby and Hannah
√ Learn how to use a roofing shovel to break/scrape ice
- See Frozen with Jami
- Eat delicious dinner provided by Jami and Hannah

Monday, January 13, 2014

Do To Do (like, do da do)

I broke the chain! Not only did I break it, but I let it just sit all day. I knew, as soon as I woke up, but I just let it lay there. All day. Just all intertwined bits of metal. Woah, what if chains are just long strips of metal twisted together? Cords, yes. But chains?

Clearly trying to avoid the stark realization that even though I'm about halfway through this month I may still break the chain. Whyyyy?

So, in order to promote good chain re-growth. I'm going to write up a to-do list and check things off tomorrow!

In no particular order:
- Fill out forms from the bank
- Stop at local community college to see about taking one class. (considering taking my college diploma and seeing if they would accept that instead of having to deal with getting transcripts and Official records)
- ORGANIZE my room. There's a difference between organizing and cleaning
- Clean my room
- Put away clean laundry that's been sitting in my dirty laundry bin for four days
- Find four items of clothing to donate as I just purchased four. (new life goal: something new comes in, something old must go out)
- Vlog
- See Frozen with friends
- Blog

Tune in tomorrow when I cross of none-multiple items off the list!

Saturday, January 11, 2014


I finally made a house tour video. I know. Like you guys care. But I DO. I did it! It's been a long time coming and I'm happy I finally made good.

Anyway, I realized I'm coming to the part of any month-long journey where I start to resent everything that I'm having to do. "UGH, AGAIN?? I have to make another video? Why? Why is it EVERY DAY?" I think Jami had to deal with an annoyed Abby petulantly asking, "Why am I doing this?"

But I know why I keep doing it. Because it's always nice to know that you can push yourself. I'm not sure if you read my blog from yesterday, but I appreciate challenging myself. And while I don't know if I necessarily challenge myself to be healthier, or more dedicated to studying the Bible. It's always good to know that I can at least challenge myself creatively.

Although, let's be real a lot of my vlog/blog combinations haven't been too hot. But at least I'm putting in some effort to get it done. In a lot of my life I tend to lack motivation, but not this. For pretty much no reason at all. Somehow THIS is what I care about. Why? How? No idea, but I do care.

I'm almost done with 7. And our house is getting a little bit amped about February. I also convinced my friend Esther from church to do it with us. Well, she's finished reading her own copy of the book (which she bought, and devoured before I even got halfway through my copy) so she was already on the inspired side of things. She's also the kind of girl who decided to take a picture every day for a year as a way of documenting life. And even did it while she was in UGANDA. She would write down her picture of the day so that when she came back home she could upload everything in order. It's always good motivation when you have other people in your life that are motivated.

Maybe it brings out the competitive side of me? But either way it certainly pushes me.

HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? Yet again I find myself blogging at midnight thirty. And it's not like I didn't have time at all today. Not that waiting until bedtime is a bad thing. But it certainly makes it harder to form coherent thoughts.

And with that I'll bid you goodnight.

Friday, January 10, 2014

I Know How to Spell, Jami! PROMISE.

So, I've had some alcohol. I'm not sure if I should write that. But I want to be honest here. Only a few people have links to this and I know I can be honest with them.

Hang on, Jami's talking.

Alcohol certainly makes people open up about what's going on. And it's great when you can listen and be there for them.

I'm wearing a paisley shirt. Hannah and Jami picked it out. I would normally never wear it, but why not push yourself and challenge yourself. Life is so boring if you don't. Okay, not boring, but certainly plain. It's so hard to be sensitive and like, politically correct right now. My brain can't handle it. So I'm going to go all out.

People who don't challenge themselves are not living a full life. Like, do you think God created you to only talk to the same ten people and NEVER feel uncomfortable? NO. That's why I always like forcing other people to talk in small groups. If I'm in a small group you can bet I'm going to ask the quietest person their thoughts on the question. Because God wants us to be uncomfortable. DID YOU READ THAT? God WANTS us to be uncomfortable. I truly, one hundred percent believe that. If we're not uncomfortable then we will NEVER, I repeat, NEVER grow. It won't happen.

So you can bet that when I was a camp counselor I would force my campers to mingle with other people in the cabin. Because I WANTED them to feel uncomfortable. There is so much more to life then feeling cozy and warm and safe. When you feel unsafe, on the verge of something, that's when you can really learn about life.

I'm going to stop now. I hope you appreciate my slightly intoxicated thoughts at 1:00 in the morning. Perfect time to blog, am I right, guys? Beth? Katie? Are we on the same page?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Ugh, okay!

I forgot to blog. Okay? Sometimes it happens and you're like, "yes! I finally can fall into bed and sleep forever!" But then you realize. You didn't blog tonight. So then you start thinking, "how do I recover from this?" So you decide to ramble about forgetting to blog.

See what I did there? I made a paragraph on forgetting to blog. It happens.

I realize none of this makes sense at all, but it's also past 1:00 in the morning. I have a very little window before I hit 2:00 in the morning and we all know what Ted Mosby would say about that.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Da illest.

I'm not feeling well. I'm lit'rally lying in bed as I weakly jab at the keys. Perhaps I'm being SLIGHTLY overdramatic. I don't know if there's anyone to verify that.

Today was mainly spent watching Laguna Beach. Although I did do a 7-inspired cleanse of my closet. If you know me, but at all, you would know that I'm totally comfortable wearing the same pair of jeans for a week straight without washing and then maybe wearing them twice more before I declare it's time to finally wash them, but not following through until I wear them once more and get a stain on them. So knowing that about you're probably shocked I even had clothes to go through. You'd be surprised. And probably saddened. But I did weed through things so I'm feeling good. Now I'm just trying to find a good place to donate everything. 7 has also inspired me to find a place to donate where no money is exchanged. I don't want to donate my clothes not knowing if they're going to someone who really, actually needs them. Someone who can't afford to pay for enough food let alone new clothes.

I'll let you know what/where I decide!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I don't really want today to be defined by the fact that I didn't do something so I'm going to talk about things that I DID!

I've become really inspired by the book 7. I know I've mentioned it here before, but seriously. If you're looking to be convicted about how you live your life you should read it. Or even if you're interested in mild-ultimate hilarity and entertainment.

Anyway, so today I found a church that has a homeless shelter in their fellowship hall overnights. This is the kind of church that actually opens its doors to everyone! They truly care about the homeless! You know, like how JESUS CARED ABOUT THE HOMELESS. I feel like that's something not a lot of churches in Suburbia realize. That Jesus didn't just collect canned goods for the homeless or even make one meal a week for the homeless. He LIVED with them. Talked with them every day. EVERY DAY. How often do I talk to PEOPLE that don't have homes? Ummm, there's a guy that's on the street corner by our house that I think might be homeless and I smile at him as I drive by... And even that's only SOMETIMES.

I don't know if you can tell, but I'm really rattled by this fact about myself. So I emailed the church volunteer coordinator to see if my housemates and I could make an evening meal for about 50 or so human beings that have no shelter, bed, laptop, couch, heating, or virtually anything to call their own. We'll see if she responds, but I think it would be really awesome. Hopefully that will be happening in February!

I also emailed a Somali tutoring program that helps teach Somali immigrants and refugees how to read (and sometimes write) English. I have to take a $20 course and then I guess come up with some sort of schedule? I have no idea how it works, but I hope it works out.

And then I looked for a job somewhere. I wonder if maybe God wants me to use this time to volunteer and gain a heart for the community around me. Since, you know, a full time job seems to be way yonder on the horizon. I hope that God can use this time to break my heart for something!

So that's how a lot of my day went. Now I'm going to eat a home-cooked meal prepared by the hands of a dear friend and Sister in Christ. And appreciate it!

Chains are so Breakable!

I broke the chain!!!! I'm quite upset! I was trying to read the Bible every day and yesterday I forgot! Usually I would try and read it sometime in the morning, but I guess it just wasn't on my radar. Gahhh. It's quite upsetting when you break the chain. But that's all right because a new chain starts today! Yay for new beginnings!

Well, Han and I are off to the library so maybe I'll write more later. Perhaps I'll just leave on the high of starting anew.

Monday, January 6, 2014

More Mindy, Please!

Trying this new thing where I blog NOT after midnight. So you better get ready for the most disjointed blog that has no point.

We're watching The Mindy Project and it's hilarious. It's definitely becoming one of my favorite TV shows. So quickly rising up the ranks. I'm pretty sure I've seen every episode from Season One about three times so far. And I bought the DVDs about a month ago. SO GOOD. And it's nice that I live with other people who love the show. I think this is a TV show that I will never be sad to pay full price for the season. It's way better than The Carrie Diaries. It's smarter and wittier and more charming.

And now I'm too distracted because three people are in the kitchen trying to make dinner. And they're running around and being all distracting. And there was an issue with someone's car keys being lost in my car and people's cars not starting and their hoods being frozen over. All this to say that I'm DISTRACTED.

"Brothers raising brothers? That is so Catholic, Danny! I'm sorry. Is that offensive to say?" - Mindy Lahiri.

Re: Mindy's canvas bag over her head
"AHHHH! Are you kidding me?! Why are you wearing that?"
"Because I don't want to get murdered, Danny!"

"What do you say, Duncan? Shall we take our Oolong and say so long?"
"Blech. That's lame."

Those are all quotes from episodes full of amazing quotes. Every single episode is well written and sharp.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


SEVEN! Or rather... 7? I'm reading a book called 7 and it is changing my thinking! I'm not sure if I've mentioned this, but I am obsessed with this book. The author, Jen Hatmaker, takes seven months to look at seven THINGS in our culture that are excessive. I've just finished the month about food and it is so good.

If you're thinking it's by some crazy lady who is obsessive about breaking down society's norms you'd be kind of right. She's more like some crazy lady who's trying to look at her life in a different way. In a healthier way. And it's inspiring.

Me and Jami are going to attempt our own food-based 7. We're going to use the seven foods that she chose and eat those for the month of February. Perhaps we're cutting ourselves short seeing as February has 28 days as opposed to her 31. But I think by the end of the month I'll be VERY happy for those three days. Plus it'll be something new to add to the list of chains not to break! Maybe it'll be my NEW chain!

Well, it's WAY past midnight and I need to give my feet more attention seeing as they're STILL cold from being outside. Minnesota is really cold right now, DID YOU KNOW THAT. A large part of the United States is REALLY cold so if you're somewhere warm, please appreciate it.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Sick Psychology!

It's really late. BUT! The "Don't Break the Chain" thing is working! Because even though it's really late and I kind of really want to be heading off to a good night's sleep. Here I am. Blogging away! While I'm waiting for the video I edited to be uploaded. That's how serious I am!

I don't want to break any of the chains. PSYCHOLOGY.

Speaking of psychology (SEGUE), me and my house chum, Jami, were talking about how we sometimes trick ourselves into being sick. We obsess over what could be a small sniffle until eventually it becomes this big huge terrible cold that if left untreated WILL TURN INTO PNEUMONIA. I think our brains our more powerful than we give them credit for. Jami was talking about how there are some kids at the camp that she worked at that would make themselves so homesick they would throw up? Can you imagine? Why would you want to do that to yourself? Because your mental status is so anxious that it's affecting your physical status.

It reminds me of those people who say they carry their anxiety. Perhaps that's like the homesick kid. People have to literally carry their worries around because they manifest themselves into physical traits and issues that they actually have to deal with.

OKAY! It's always time for bed when I try to get so metaphorical I can't even finish my first metaphor. STOP ABBY. Just go to bed. OKAY, GOODNIGHT.

Friday, January 3, 2014

REIGN OVER ME, No don't.

At the recommendation of a mutual friend my housechum, Jami, and I started watching a TV show called Reign. I don't know if you've ever heard of it, but it is WEIRD. It's about Mary, Queen of the Scots! And her life as she's trying to marry the Prince of France and all of the INTRIGUE and SCANDAL that happens in the French court. IT IS SO WEIRD. I cannot emphasize that enough. Weirdness abounds. If you think you're going to be watching a regular period piece about France you'd be WRONG. Because then all of a sudden there'd be some weird plot twist. We're only on the second episode and already there's been hints of magic-y things, murder, and some MYSTERIOUS girl/creature/thing that's maybe helping Mary or maybe trying to kill her. WE DON'T KNOW. Because, and I don't know how clear I made this, it's a pretty weird show.

Today was also the day that I said goodbye to Mackenzie! I'm glad I was able to drop her off at the airport, but it was a rushed goodbye. It's unfortunate when you have a friend staying with you, but you never have a really serious talk with them about their life and what they want to do. But sometimes that happens when you live in a house with three other people and flights are delayed and time alone gets minimized and minimized. I GUESS THIS IS BEING AN ADULT OR SOMETHING.

Oh, boy. Time for bed since I'm clearly tired enough to be ALL CAPSing too much. Plus, Hannah just got back from driving in "the worst snow she's ever driven in." So I'd love to find out what happened there.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

More Carrie please!

So much of today was spent lounging around.

I watched The Carrie Diaries for the first time and definitely not the last time. First of all, the girl who plays a young Carrie Bradshaw is adorable and looks like a Disney animated character come to life. Second of all, the characters have emotional depth and the storylines of the episodes I watched yield character development. The pilot episode involves the father crying about her late mother. It's rather gripping, but still lighthearted enough as to entertain you. I mean, in the end it's still a show with fairly cliche plots about a teenage girl.

And I read more! I'm working my way through the first book of the "Uglies" series by Scott Westerfeld. It's not exactly the freshest plot. A dystopian novel about a young girl bucking the new society's norms. Never read anything like that before. Ha! Sarcasm! Anyway, it's still the kind of book that keeps you reading, if only to see what happens.

It's also Mackenzie's last day with us before she heads back to The D. So we went to Polish restaurant her father saw on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. So expensive for some fairly bland pierogis. But it was nice to go out for some food with the housechums plus guest.

I hope she liked her farewell dinner. But she'll hopefully be back soon!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Just Keep the Cabin Safe!

I think my eyes might be dying. I've been staring at screens for too long today. Six hours in a studio with very little to do and choosing to vlog every day for January means that I have had too much screen time.

Although I did discover my personal talent of sitting for long periods of time. Solid skill. I also re-discovered how much I love reading. This year, as always, I'm going to try to read 50 books. If you complete such a task in a year it means you're a bibliophile. And every year I try and fail. But this year could be different. If I'm really dedicated, it'll happen. And something that might help me build my dedication is the theory called:

Don't Break the Chain

See what I did there? Segue! Anyway, it's this concept that if you have a physical calendar and you cross off days that you completed a task or didn't do a bad habit you eventually develop a string of crossed off days. Also known as a CHAIN. Didn't see that twist coming, huh?? So you have the chain of days* and as the chain gets longer you don't want to break it more and more. I sure hope it works. I printed some calendars at work because I hate the patriarchy or something. So we'll see if it works. It's slightly overwhelming thinking about every day of the year and having them all crossed off in a row. That's quite intimidating. Especially for a girl who can't even commit to opening up her advent calendar every day when the surprise is always CHOCOLATE.

*Footnote: The autocorrect on my device kept correcting chain to cabin. Obviously a cabin of days would motivate anyone. Don't break the cabin, guys!