I don't really want today to be defined by the fact that I didn't do something so I'm going to talk about things that I DID!
I've become really inspired by the book 7. I know I've mentioned it here before, but seriously. If you're looking to be convicted about how you live your life you should read it. Or even if you're interested in mild-ultimate hilarity and entertainment.
Anyway, so today I found a church that has a homeless shelter in their fellowship hall overnights. This is the kind of church that actually opens its doors to everyone! They truly care about the homeless! You know, like how JESUS CARED ABOUT THE HOMELESS. I feel like that's something not a lot of churches in Suburbia realize. That Jesus didn't just collect canned goods for the homeless or even make one meal a week for the homeless. He LIVED with them. Talked with them every day. EVERY DAY. How often do I talk to PEOPLE that don't have homes? Ummm, there's a guy that's on the street corner by our house that I think might be homeless and I smile at him as I drive by... And even that's only SOMETIMES.
I don't know if you can tell, but I'm really rattled by this fact about myself. So I emailed the church volunteer coordinator to see if my housemates and I could make an evening meal for about 50 or so human beings that have no shelter, bed, laptop, couch, heating, or virtually anything to call their own. We'll see if she responds, but I think it would be really awesome. Hopefully that will be happening in February!
I also emailed a Somali tutoring program that helps teach Somali immigrants and refugees how to read (and sometimes write) English. I have to take a $20 course and then I guess come up with some sort of schedule? I have no idea how it works, but I hope it works out.
And then I looked for a job somewhere. I wonder if maybe God wants me to use this time to volunteer and gain a heart for the community around me. Since, you know, a full time job seems to be way yonder on the horizon. I hope that God can use this time to break my heart for something!
So that's how a lot of my day went. Now I'm going to eat a home-cooked meal prepared by the hands of a dear friend and Sister in Christ. And appreciate it!