As my friend Hannah always hashtags, #homemadeisbestmade
There's a 24/7 prayer room in Charlotte and they have a partnership with Common Ground. About twenty minutes outside of "Uptown" Charlotte they set up a walking prayer/meditation trail. Esther and I were able to spend an hour walking the trail.
One of many entrances to the trails.
Out of focus picture of convicting sign in park.
After seeing that sign I dropped of my backpack and eventually took of my shoes. It was quite freeing walking in a field without a heavy bag to carry. And also without feeling like I needed to take pictures and capture the wildlife around me. Sometimes it's so relaxing to just enjoy nature.
After the trail we set off for Montreat College in Black Mountain, NC. The summer of 2012 Esther joined a team of like-minded young adults and served in Uganda. One of her teammates, Aimee, invited us to visit her since we were in the same state! She gave us a tour of the school.
Aimee and Esther, matching Kavu bags!
Aimee and her boyfriend took us to Asheville! I had been wanting to see it since I came to Charlotte and read about the city in a short story. It was pretty small, but very hippie and reminded me of San Francisco.
Really cool wall with a bucket of chalk!
Awesome shop full of unique things. Like socks that say "I have vague feelings about whatever."
Before we started the trek to Knoxville I made sure Esther and I got shakes at Cookout. I got my classic peanut butter fudge and she got blueberry. I'm going to miss those shakes, but not the aftermath.
Speaking of, we were about twenty minutes from our destination when we had to stop at an O'Reilly's auto parts to buy more oil for my car. And that's where I asked for a bathroom. I was then walked into their huge warehouse and maybe given access to a staff bathroom? The poor guy who worked their had to wait outside for me. V. awkward.
Here's some photos Esther felt she needed to capture on the drive!
This one was my request because mountains and clouds.
We FINALLY made it to Knoxville after what felt like forever, but was actually four hours. (pretty nervous for our 12 hour drive...)
We're staying with the old youth director at Five Oaks church. Tim, his wife Kara and their two daughters. They also have family friends staying with them so it's a big party! Kara made a DELICIOUS dinner for us all:
It was great to spend time in the presence of people I knew from Minnesota. Even though I'm on my way back, it's been a while since interacting with people I've known for more than a summer.
Hope they're not mad I posted this...
After some quality time we went to bed ready for showers and church in the morning.
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