Have you ever been told to enjoy your food? I was talking with some friends and one of them talked about a food course that they took. One class they had to eat one bite for a few minutes and try to appreciate what they were experiencing with all of their senses.
Well, guys. I tried to EXPERIENCE my food this morning. I took my bowl of cereal into my room (Anne was sleeping in our living room, like a beautiful, resting butterfly), sat down on the floor and.... Kept repeating "Everybody (yeah, yeah)! Rock your bodyyy!" while eating my Frosted Flakes.
I think some people are more introspective, and I'm not one of them. Which is okay! I've accepted that. In fact, I like it! I don't get bogged down with doubt or worry or too anxious about anything. Sure, there are times when it happens, but then I start wondering about how delicious pepper jack grilled cheeses are and then I spot the book I checked out at the library and think about how I should renew it so I don't have to pay the lost fee and then I'll maybe never go back there so I don't have to face the librarians that love me and think I'm being a successful adult pursuing a career in radio and not a bum that's too lazy to even sign into the library website to renew my books.
My thought processes are pretty similar to what shows up on these blogs.
Not to forget: We made banana bread ;)