Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The First of Many, One Would Hope

It's so hot in this room. My face is the kind of sweaty you get after jogging for five minutes. And it's not even that hot here in California. Did I mention I was in California? Orange County to be specific. Dana Point to be even more specific.

My friend, Hannah, and I drove up to Laguna Beach. Have you ever been there? It's like the TV show, but with more people that aren't quite as pretty. That's a really harsh thing to say, but it's true. I mean, no one watching TV is going to watch a group of average (but still beautiful) teenagers going about their daily lives. Like, ew. Who wants that?

My goal while I'm here in Dana Point (we leave Friday) is to see a celebrity. You know, someone I've seen on a screen of any kind. Preferably a theater or TV screen. But I'd be cool with seeing some YouTuber. Trust me, I understand the lack of depth in that personal goal.

I have to wake up in seven hours. And for most people that's a pretty decent night's sleep. But not when you spend three hours of your day working with 100 kids. I know, I'm some weird enigma working in a town that I'm leaving in three days.

This is my first post on this nice, fresh new blog (the old one is now resting in peace). It's kind of invigorating knowing no one I know is going to read this. I'm sure at some point I'll write something really clever so I'll HAVE to link to this on my Facebook page. And then people will know you exist. But for now you're just my creative outlet where I can write whatever I want.

If I wanted to I could use this blog to complain and whine about all of the "terrible" things going on in my life. I wrote terrible in quotes because I have such miniscule problems compared to a majority of the world. My problems are so far from severe.

If I wanted to I could use this blog to attempt to write humorous anecdotes in the hopes that my self-perceived charm and wit will be noticed by people.

If I wanted to I could use this blog to compose poetry and prose that would no doubt be terrible and constantly rhyming. If I try to write anything "free" like that I always end up rhyming every line, if possible. It's like my brain still needs some pattern to it, otherwise it just feels unnatural.

What I'm trying to say is that I don't know what this blog will be.

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