Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Dogs are weird. I like to think they're great. But right now I'm spending a lot of time with one and when it barks. I just don't know what to do! This afternoon it was just sleeping in a rotation of places. And now he's barking every ten minutes. I'm sorry I'm not your owner! I don't know what you want from me! Please! Just tell me what's going on!

Well, I have class tomorrow so that's exciting. For probably the first time in my life I finished an assignment with about twenty four hours to spare. What? How is that possible? When I was in college I would have waited until right about now to even start. Maybe I'm just growing up? Like I realize how it's just irresponsible to wait until the night before. Also, I'm just kind of tired at night! Why would I stay up so late just to be doing something like homework? I'd rather get it done and then hang out with Jami until I go to sleep.

Well, the dog's barking again. Perhaps it's time to go to sleep. Maybe then he'll stop?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

That Awkward Moment (when you miss the 90's)

I miss romantic comedies! Apparently the decade I most belong in is the 90's? I grew up then, but I wasn't able to appreciate the steady flow of adorable, heartwarming rom-coms before I hit the double digits. And now I'm in my twenties and all I get is too many guy movies filled with vulgar humor with a slight romantic storyline to gain the female audience that's happy to have a movie they and their boyfriends can watch together.

What happened? Why do I have to settle for movies like "No Strings Attatched" that are mainly about a guy and the banter between him and his friends?!

Jami and I saw "That Awkward Moment" tonight. It had the same kind of fake penis humor you'd expect from a movie starring Zac Efron and two of his bros. However, and this is a SPOILER ALERT: at the end Zac Efron cries while making sweeping proclamations of love to the girl he likes. Which got me thinking...

Why did he do it? Is he really that emotional? In one scene of the movie he's staring at her Facebook pictures and starts Facebook stalking some guy in one of them. Do guys really do that? Or does Zac Efron and the studio executives that paid for the movie want to make some money on the girls that came to see Zac Efron shirtless and also see him pining for a girl (who they can pretend is maybe themselves)?

I don't know, but if you're a guy reading this feel free to speak up. I mean, I understand that not every guy goes out, parties and tells everyone with an issue that they "just need to get laid." And that happens in the movie a plenty. I guess I'm just wondering how many guys would tear up when trying to get back together with the girl they like?

Monday, February 3, 2014

Bread Blog

We made whole wheat bread on Saturday and I thought I'd show you what I did. First we had some basic ingredients. LIKE FIVE. Which I just think is awesome because I know exactly what's in this bread. Unlike some breads in a grocery store that have about seventeen ingredients like Jen Hatmaker pointed out in her book, 7.

Five ingredients TOTAL.

And all of the ingredients look like this.

Add two packets of yeast, two cups of warm water,
and 1/3 cup of honey in a bowl 
from Target (bowl from Target not necessary)

Jami looking at the awesome recipe we used
while waiting for the yeast to "activate."

What I looked at while waiting. You wait kind of a bit.

When you're done waiting things will look like this!

Then you can pour it into a bigger bowl.
Or just start with a big bowl...

Now add 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt and
start with 1 1/2 cups of whole wheat flour.

Then you stir that and keep adding UP TO three cups of flour.
You'll know it's ready when Jami tells you it's ready.

NOW! Oil your hands because you about to KNEAD DAT BREAD.

Then you knead it.

This is what it'll look like when it's done.
If you're not sure wait for Jami to tell you when it's done.

Put a towel atop your bowl and set it
between two warm burners that Jami turned on.

GUESS WHAT! After you shower and
play a lot of Frozen Free Fall you'll have a present!

Then you gotta PUNCH DAT BREAD. No, actually.

PUNCH IT. Like, punch it a lot.

Once Jami tells you to stop, pour it into a bread pan!

Let it bake for the time that Jami set (like... thirty-ish minutes).
Jami says, at 350ยบ Farenheit.

Get the bread on a plate and CUT IT UP.
(Feel free to say, "I will cut you!" if you want some fun with it)


I hope this step by step guide helped you make bread! Let me know if you make some!

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Our internet is down and so I'm going to apologize for the first in what is sure to be a string of disappointments. I really wanted to make a bread tutorial. I was going to call it, "Bread Blog." You can ask Jami. I spoke the words OUT LOUD. That's how sure I was. But our internet is failing me so... I'm sorry.

Please accept this picture of a starfish:


Jami teaching me how to spell disappointments:
"Dis as in-"
"I dissed you! Bet you're feeling pretty disappointed."
"And appointments as in, I had an appointment with the doctor today."
"Didn't work out."
"I have cancer."

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Today marks the day wherein my housechums and I eat only seven foods for a month. It's gonna get weird.

Here's the list for anyone playing at home:
1. Chicken
2. Eggs
3. Avocados
4. Spinach
5. Whole wheat bread
6. Sweet potatoes
7. Apples

Here's the thing. I don't really like avocados, sweet potatoes, or spinach all that much. Especially the sweet potatoes. Gross. So this month is not only a fast form flavor and my small way of experiencing the lack of choice that about 50% of the world lives with when they only have rice and beans to live off of, but also a challenge to see if I can make myself like a food.

For breakfast I made scrambled eggs for me and Jami (with water a la Poppa Sowers' teaching) and then I also ate some super gross avocados. I'm pretty impressed with the fact that I made eggs. Usually I only make things with the microwave so the fact that I used a pan and spatula to make my breakfast boosted my self-esteem. YAY FOR ACHIEVEMENTS.

I think this month is going to have a lot of achievements considering I'm probably going to have to learn how to make a lot of stuff for myself. Like today we're going to make bread. YAY! BREAD! I'll keep you updated on how that goes.

EDIT: As I was writing this I was kind of hungry and I just wanted some of the cookies that my mom gave me a couple of days ago. They're covered in chocolate. And I want one. This month is going to be hard. I'm gonna go throw the cookies away now.
We're waiting for the bread to be bread. I can't wait!
WE MADE BREAD. And it's really good! I just ate a piece plain, that's how delicious it was!

TUNE IN TOMORROW for my attempt at a tutorial.